Sven Boekhoff
Software development, Linux, Science, ...

About me

I’ll keep it brief. Along with a few highlights from my life and projects, I wanted to give this site a personal touch (hence the photo). For more, feel free to connect through the links in the footer.

Sven Boekhoff
Figure 1. Sven Boekhoff



Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the University of Göttingen. Project: "Quantifying genetic footprints of natural selection and demographic changes". (sv. Dr. Oskar Hallatschek, Prof. Dr. Dirk Semmann, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand)


Master’s degree (M.Sc. Biological Sciences) at the University of Konstanz. Project: "Evolutionary genomic analysis of cichlid fishes based on large scale sequence data". (sv. Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer, Dr. Shigehiro Kuraku)


Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc. Biological Sciences) at the University of Konstanz in cooperation with the IGB Berlin. Project: "Succession and diversity of eubacteria and fungi during leaf litter decomposition in the littoral zone of Lake Konstanz". (sv. Prof. Dr. Karl-Otto Rothhaupt (Univ. of Konstanz), PD Dr. Hans-Peter Grossart (IGB Berlin), PD Dr. Karl Matthias Wantzen (Univ. of Konstanz))


Abitur at Europaschule Gymnasium Westerstede.

Own projects

A project that demonstrates the use of the jekyll-theme-endless. Here, you will learn how to create a fully functional blog within 5 minutes.

A theme for the static site generator Jekyll that provides a tag cloud and can process AsciiDoc files. It’s available as an open-source project on GitLab and can be integrated directly into your project as a ruby gem. This theme is also used to create this website.

Service for webmasters - here you can get a guestbook, a formmailer and a counter for your website

Small business for web-services - programming of websites, domain sales, webhosting,…​

A german workshop for learning to program online-forms in HTML.

This website allows you to find out the Google PageRank of several homepages at once.

Information about all german districts.

A small web portal for information and online tools.

Small tool that shows your IP-adress and information about your browser. You can also send these information to your e-mail-address.

This tool finds out the source-continent of an IP-adress and gives you the possibility to find out name and abuse-address of the administrating Internet Service Provider (ISP). This helps you for example to react on spam-attacks.

This small program allows you to find out the Google PageRank of one or several websites simultaneously. You can also send a report to your e-mail-address.

This small program allows you to find out the IP address of an internet domain.