About me
I’ll keep it brief. Along with a few highlights from my life and projects, I wanted to give this site a personal touch (hence the photo). For more, feel free to connect through the links in the footer.
- 2014
Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization and the University of Göttingen. Project: "Quantifying genetic footprints of natural selection and demographic changes". (sv. Dr. Oskar Hallatschek, Prof. Dr. Dirk Semmann, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand)
- 2009
Master’s degree (M.Sc. Biological Sciences) at the University of Konstanz. Project: "Evolutionary genomic analysis of cichlid fishes based on large scale sequence data". (sv. Prof. Dr. Axel Meyer, Dr. Shigehiro Kuraku)
- 2006
Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc. Biological Sciences) at the University of Konstanz in cooperation with the IGB Berlin. Project: "Succession and diversity of eubacteria and fungi during leaf litter decomposition in the littoral zone of Lake Konstanz". (sv. Prof. Dr. Karl-Otto Rothhaupt (Univ. of Konstanz), PD Dr. Hans-Peter Grossart (IGB Berlin), PD Dr. Karl Matthias Wantzen (Univ. of Konstanz))
- 2001
Abitur at Europaschule Gymnasium Westerstede.
Own projects
- quickstart-blog.gitlab.io
A project that demonstrates the use of the
. Here, you will learn how to create a fully functional blog within 5 minutes. - jekyll-theme-endless.gitlab.io
A theme for the static site generator Jekyll that provides a tag cloud and can process AsciiDoc files. It’s available as an open-source project on GitLab and can be integrated directly into your project as a ruby gem. This theme is also used to create this website.
- www.onlex.de
Service for webmasters - here you can get a guestbook, a formmailer and a counter for your website
- www.phenon.de
Small business for web-services - programming of websites, domain sales, webhosting,…
- www.formws.onlex.de
A german workshop for learning to program online-forms in HTML.
- www.ruediger.info
This website allows you to find out the Google PageRank of several homepages at once.
- www.landraete.de
Information about all german districts.
- www.comlex.de
A small web portal for information and online tools.
- www.ip.comlex.de
Small tool that shows your IP-adress and information about your browser. You can also send these information to your e-mail-address.
- www.ip-info.comlex.de
This tool finds out the source-continent of an IP-adress and gives you the possibility to find out name and abuse-address of the administrating Internet Service Provider (ISP). This helps you for example to react on spam-attacks.
- www.pagerank.comlex.de
This small program allows you to find out the Google PageRank of one or several websites simultaneously. You can also send a report to your e-mail-address.
- www.ping.comlex.de
This small program allows you to find out the IP address of an internet domain.